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Wetland Flowers

We offer a wide variety of wetland and submerged aquatic plants for various applications including aesthetics and beautification, nutrient and erosion abatement, conservation and more. If the species you're looking for is not listed, please contact us and we can source it.

Most species are available in pots and bare-root. Water lilies are in quart size pots while emergent species are in 3-4 inch pots.


(Polygonum sp.)*

With varying sizes amongst species, smartweed produces seed often utilized by water fowl. Flowers are grouped in 'cones' and range from pinks to whites in color.

Northern Blue Flag Iris Left

(Iris versicolor

Southern Blue Flag Iris Right

(Iris virginica)

Both the northern and southern blue flag iris are extremely similar and prefer mud to a few inches of water to thrive. Their blue-purpled flowers bloom in spring and foliage is almost evergreen. 

Water Hyssop

(Bacopa sp.)*

A short plant at about a six inch maximum height, water hyssop favors mud but does well in a few inches of water. It sports white to blue small flowers along ditches, ponds, lakes and creeks.

Golden Canna

(Canna flaccida)

Best known for it's flower, golden canna provides a great aesthetic in wetlands, ponds and lakes. A tough and beautiful flowering wetland plant that favors mud to a few inches of water.

 Grassy Arrowhead 

(Sagittaria graminea)

Very similar to other arrowheads but with thinner 'grass like' leaves. It enjoys similar conditions as other arrowheads in mud to a few inches of water.





(Potedaria cordata)

One of our favorites, this tough plant produces flower clusters on 'cones' attractive pollinators from far and wide. The seed produced can be utilized as forage for a variety of wildlife.

Delta Arrowhead 

(Sagittaria platyphyla)

One of the arrowheads that is a spreads very well but with a low profile. During late winter to early spring submerged leaves grow in inches to a couple of feet of water. Individuals along the waters edge have a maximum height of about 6-8 inches but have the same 3 pedaled white flower which blooms below the leaves.


(Thalia dealbata)

Growing in mud to a few inches of water, thalia leaves reach about 4 feet in height with flowers on individual stems reaching about 6 feet. A wonderful addition to add color to a wetland, pond or lake.

Bulltongue Arrowhead

(Sagittaria lancifolia)

The largest arrowhead we work with has a maximum height of about 3 feet with 3 pedaled white flowers blooming above the leaves. Like many arrowheads, it's favored for its tubers as well which are utilized as forage by wildlife.

Duck Potato Arrowhead

(Sagittaria latifolia)

Best know for its large tubers, duck potato favors partial shade along pond, lakes, creeks and in wetlands. It also blooms with a similar white flower as other arrowheads.

*Only available as bare-root
^Available in pots upon request, with 3-6 week grow out time required.
+Currently unavailable-Updated 12/13/2023

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