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These are a few of our most recent projects across the state of Texas, from Texarkana to Liberty Hill! Each one of these was a blast, with its own set of goals and obstacles!

Charles Schwabb Install
Aesthetic and Erosion Control Improvement; Commericial Complex Westlake, TX

June 2024


This pond had been planted by a landscaper and the majority of the plants did not survive, so we were called in to consult on species and help with installation! The aesthetic was the number one concern because the office buildings overlooked the pond. Species we suggested were pickerelweed, golden canna, white-top star grass, iris species, spike rush and others to boost the aesthetic and also help reduce erosion around the steep banks. Before the end of the year, there were flowers and vegetative spread. Meaning the plants were established!

Aesthetic Improvement; Private Pond Collinsville , TX

April 2024


This client had built a beautiful home and wanted a pond to match. We installed multiple native flowering species including golden canna, pickerelweed, thalia, white water lily, blue flag iris and swamp mallow. As temperatures warmed in Spring through Summer, bees and butterflies were plentiful around the pond; utilizing the flowers produced by these beautiful native wetland species.

Nutrient Control and Habitat Imporvements; Private Fishing Club Athens, TX

July 2022- Present


The goal of these plantings was to establish native aquatic vegetation to assist with nutrient mitigation primarily for the management of lyngbya. A secondary benefit was to assist fisheries management by increasing and diversifying habitats in the lake. Over three phases, beginning in the Fall of 2022, we planted over 3,500 plants. Bald cypress, water tupelo and buttonbush were protected from beavers via trunk armoring and staked to support them as they established. Water lily species (Nymphaea sp.) were protected via galvanized metal cages until established. Our next step is to evaluate the water lilies and ensure they are established well enough to remove protective cages.

Stormwater Retention Pond; Liberty Hill, TX 

August 2023


The design of this pond, adjacent to a new school, called for beneficial and native aquatic plants. This included pickerelweed, American water willow, American floating pondweed and muhly grass (to name a few). Upon arrival, it was a hole in t he ground that filled with water! We planted over 3000 plants for this project! We want to thank Southwest Aquatic Services (Altair, TX) for having us help with this project!

Habitat and Erosion Control Improvements; Private Pond Gilmer, TX

June 2023


This client was looking to increase the beauty of their pond and help reduce erosion along the steep dam; utilizing native plants. On the property was a second pond with a boggy edge, which they were looking to apply the same goals to. Plants such as pickerelweed, white water lily and swamp rose mallow provided the increased aesthetic on these .25 acre ponds. To help reduce erosion, spikerush was planted along the steep dam. The project was started and completed in one day with a shovel and trolling motor powered 8ft. boat

Fisheries Improvements; Private Lake Texarkana, TX
July 2021-June 2022


This new lake was designed and built to house big bass! Our goal was to introduce native aquatic plants to improve the fishery potential in this newly constructed lake. Located outside of Texarkana, TX this private lake was designed with 3 feet deep planting shelves; allowing for the introduction of aquatic plants but limiting their ability to grow to intrusive levels or to areas meant for open water. Plantings were in two phases, Fall and Spring.

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