Rushes, Trees & Misc.
We offer a wide variety of wetland and submerged aquatic plants for various applications including aesthetics and beautification, nutrient and erosion abatement, conservation and more. If the species you're looking for is not listed, please contact us and we can source it.
Most species are available in pots and bare-root. Water lilies are in quart size pots while emergent species are in 3-4 inch pots. Trees are most readily availably in 5 gal. pots but larger sizes are available.

Soft Stem Bulrush*^
(Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani)
Growing in colonies, this smaller bulrush has rounded triangular stems that taper toward the top. It's found growing in mud to a few feet of water.
Great for erosion control and can provide habitat for fisheries management and forage, via seed, for water fowl management.

Squarestem Spikerush *^
(Eleocharis quadrangulata)
This plant gets its name from its square shaped stem. Growing up to about 24 in. tall, it does well in mud to a few inches of water.

American Water Willow
(Justicia americana)
Also called water willow weed, this hardy plant checks off all the boxes. It provides erosion control, habitat for fisheries management and a subtle aesthetic with small white-purple flowers.
(Eleocharis sp.)
These grow in mud to about 6 inches of water and are a 'go-to' plant for erosion control. They're short with a 6-8 in. maximum height and form intricate root systems that hold soil well.

Chairmaker Bulrush*^
(Schoenoplectus americanus)
This plant grows in similar conditions as spikerushes and has a rigid triangular shaped stem. It's a great erosion control tool along lakes and ponds but can thrive in wetlands.

Water Tupelo
(Nyssa aquatica)
This tree is often found in swamps and prefers habitat similar to cypress trees. As they mature and grow taller, the base of their trunk swells. Various wildlife feed on the fruit.
Common Rush*^
(Juncus effusus)
Preferring muddy soils it grows in clumps with inflorescence in spring. It provides some erosion control. It's nearly evergreen with comparatively minimal 'browning' during winter months.

Arrow Arum
(Peltandra virginica)
Often found in bogs and swamps, this can be found along ponds and lakes. Leaves are arrow shaped growing on stalks than be reach 3 feet long.
(Cephalanthus occidentalis)
Although called a bush, this plant can resemble a small tree as it grows. It's white 'button' flowers attract pollinators, it's roots assist with nutrient mitigation and when deep enough the trunk(s) provide fisheries habitat. Although it prefers moist to muddy soils, it can persist in 3 feet of water.
Bald Cypress
(Taxodium distichum)
Commonly planted around ponds and lakes, this tree sticks out (literally) with its 'knees'. These root type structures will pop up out of the ground, so be careful if you're mowing near one. In swamps, ponds and lakes this can provide great cover for fisheries and various wildlife.
Black Tupelo
(Nyssa sylvatica)
Found in upland and wetland habitats, this tree prefers well-drained soils but tolerates loam and clay soils. It serves as a food source for migrating birds, racoon, possums and squirrels. Feral honeybees have also been found in their hollow limbs.

Scarlet Rose Hibiscus
(Hibiscus coccineus)
Often used in landscapes, this hibiscus is native to the southeastern United States. It does well on pond and lake edges, in mud to shallow water and boasts a large red flower.

Swamp Rose Mallow
(Hibiscus moscheutos)
Occupying very similar conditions as the scarlet rose hibiscus, the swamp rose mallow has a native range actually extending into Texas. Preferring mud to a few inches of water, this species has a large white to pink flower with blooms in later spring-early summer.
Black Willow
(Salix nigra)
Considered a weed in most small ponds and lakes, the black willow tree can be a great option for large scale habitat restoration. Its quick growth and spread combined with its hardy nature make it suitable for quick wetland, creek, river etc. restoration.
*Only available as bare-root
^Available in pots upon request, with 3-6 week grow out time required.
+Currently unavailable-Updated 10/4/2024